Sunday, February 12, 2023

Idea Exploration

 Writing Discussion 

    Just last night, I was reading a book titled "Life on Earth" by David Attenborough. By reading this book, it made me not only learn interesting information about life on planet earth, but also I was thinking about different ideas to write about. 

    Writing about things that you find interesting is one of the joys that comes with writing (sometimes). Creative freedom can both be a playing field of ideas or it can be a hinderance. But to start with the good things (and to what I was think about when reading), someone's own creativeness when they have something in mind, has no bounds. Free-writing is a great way to get ideas down onto the page. Sometimes I will write down things that may sound interesting and I build ideas off of that. However, as I have said, it can also be a hinderance. With all of this freedom to formulate ideas and write about those as you please, coming up with them can be a frustrating task or a time sink if you're trying to write something down on your own. Many might call this a "writer's block". 

Yet, everyone is different. Everyone has their own way of formulating ideas. Take the microtheme for example. While coming up with my topic, I was torn between choice A and choice B. Both proved themselves to be things I would be interested to write about. So, where do I go form here? Well,  I used what I like to call my "map planner" or "idea map". Using the central circle as my big focus, I started to write out and list subpoints that could be used in my microtheme. Then, by using elimination, I managed to differentiate the two topics from which one worked better (it was very slim and took too much time).  However, as I said before, not everyone is the same in how they approach these things. These were just the way that I generate ideas for myself. 


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