Sunday, April 16, 2023

Writing Discussion

 Finding Inspiration

    There is something so frustrating about sitting down in front of a piece of paper and...nothing. There is not a single thought in your brain. Although you try straining yourself , it only is in vain. To be honest, it happens to me more time that I would like. So that then begs the question, how do I or even someone else just sit down and write something.

    I would say that there is a simple explanation but there really is not. I am more of an active writer and not passive (according to my mother). That means that I like to just go get ideas rather than ideas just come to me. It is a very good system until you realize that if you have no ideas in your head currently, then how do you know what to search? I find that one of the best ways to think about an idea is to start to play with something. Like with a string or to start a rhythm on your desk. It is a weird way to think, but it works and it gets my ideas down on the page and that's all I really want. I also think ideas are easier to come by when a specific prompt is presented in front of you. 

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Writing Discussion

 Finding Inspiration     There is something so frustrating about sitting down in front of a piece of paper and...nothing. There is not a sin...